Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jay Is Too Good For This Rag

Copyright Jay Penn, 2012

Someone needs to come along and take Jay Penn away from Loviatar. He's too damn good to be illustrating this humble rag. His work should be on the shelves of a FLGS and he should be signing copies of his work at GenCon. This month's cover illustration is insane!


  1. Excellent work. Eye of the Wolf there, fantastic.

    1. It blows me away how much personality is conveyed by the eyes of his characters.

  2. You selected one hell of an artist Christian. Jay impressed me from the first issue and seems to keep getting better. Just like your issues. You guys make a fantastic team.

    1. I agree 100% regarding Jay's talent. He was good from that first issue, but WOW! His skill has exploded. I really hope that D&D Next has a generous OGL/STL. I'd love to see him pick up all kinds of freelance work from publishers who will have their books on the shelves of game stores everywhere. :)

  3. Thanks for the kind words, lads. This zine is so much fun to work on, and Christian is just the best darn fellow one could have a working relationship with; he has a really good eye for story elements (making my job a lot easier) and he is just the most generous chap around.
